I have read, agree, and understand to the Fall 2024 - Check In for New International Students information listed above: *
Current Check-In Session: *
As an F1/J1 student you are required to ATTEND the IN-PERSON RIS Session:
Required Information Session
August 26, 2024
North Cafeteria in the Webb Center *
Current Visa Status *
Marital Status *
ODU/ ODURF Assistantship
Personal Funds
Educational Loan
Family Funding
Please check all situations that apply to you: *
If you have a GA/TA, you must choose a day to come in person to do employment paperwork.
If you are a student Athlete, you can choose a day to come in person to do Tax paperwork.
ODU: M/W 1:00
ODURF: T/TH 1:00
If you are a student Athlete, you can choose a day to come in person to do Tax paperwork.
If you are SACM Sponsored, please upload a copy of your current Financial Guarantee. It must have current dates.
Student Athletes Only: VISIT ASAP
You MUST visit the VISA Office in-person to complete TAX / ITIN paperwork and your I1 - International Student Hold will not be removed.
Acknowledge this statement and agree to the terms below: *
I am a... *
Academic level of study at ODU: *
Have you attended ODU before? *
If you answered yes to the previous question, what was your most recent status?
Document Upload
This section is for you to upload required documents.
Please make a scanned color copy. *Cell phone pictures will be REJECTED*
You must be in the US to obtain your I-94
Retrieve the pdf I-94 document from the following link: https://i94.cbp.dhs.gov
Please make a scanned color copy.
Cell Phone Pictures will not be accepted
Please make a scanned color copy.
Cell Phone Pictures will not be accepted
Only Required if you have changed status to F1
All I-9 and tax paperwork to verify the employment eligibility for non-immigrant employees is processed by VISA in Dragas Hall Rm # 2006.
If your position will be funded by ODU select: Monday or Wednesday 1:00-2:30pm
If your position will be funded by ODURF select: Tuesday or Thursday 1:00-2:30pm
Only available from AUGUST 26 SEPTEMBER 13 Monday-Thursday.
If you are employed by ODU select: M or W 1:00-2:30pm
If you are employed by ODURF select: T or TH 1:00-2:30pm
If you are an Athlete: M - Thr before 12pm
ODU F-1/J-1 Student Responsibilities Under SEVIS
International students and ODU have responsibilities for providing USCIS with notification of certain events during
an F or J student’s studies.
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Initial Here:
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Initial Here:
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.