The International Institute for the Advancement of Counseling Theory (IIACT) is seeking research grant proposals for 1-year projects that have the potential to advance the understanding and/or practice of counseling theory as it relates to multiculturalism. Specifically, the Multicultural Issues Subdivision of the IIACT is focused on identifying common factors across healing practices within historically marginalized communities in order to develop culturally appropriate interventions. In their proposals, researchers should define the community and provide a rationale for why it is or should be considered marginalized. To that end, the Research Questions must include “What are the factors within this community that promote mental health? And, “What helping/healing practices are applied in supporting the mental health of the community members?” This grant competition is open to counseling students, faculty, and practitioners. The principal investigator must have a master’s or doctoral degree in counseling, psychology, or a related helping field in order to be eligible. Preference will be given to researchers belonging to the community of focus and/or who are collaborating closely with professionals within that community. The IIACT will award up to $4,000 per accepted proposal. The deadline for submission is April 15, 2024.