College of Health Sciences Outstanding Alumni Award

College of Health Sciences Outstanding Alumni Award


This award is to recognize an alumna or alumnus who demonstrates outstanding and uncommon achievement in their profession.


 Recipient must have received a degree from ODU COHS

 Has brought honor to ODU COHS by demonstrating excellence in furthering the profession in which they belong OR by exhibiting exceptional service to the community

Application Materials:

1. Completed nomination form
2. Letter of nomination from ODU COHS faculty member, alumna, alumnus, or staff
3. Resume or Curriculum vitae of up to 5 pages
4. Letters of support describing the outstanding contribution to his/her profession; OR outstanding contributions to the general welfare of his/her community, state or nation (maximum of two letters in addition to the letter of nomination)

Submission and Deadline:

All materials should be converted into ONE PDF file and emailed to the COHS Administrative Center ( by July 15, 2024.

Please do not submit files separately or send hard copies. It is the nominator’s responsibility to submit the requested materials by the deadline. The committee will only consider application materials requested above.


The awardee will receive a stand-alone acrylic award.