Year/semester in which you are applying for fulfillment of URHS requirement(s): *
Mentor Information
Have you completed the required Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Program Survey? *
When your pre-semester application was approved, you should have received an email directing you to the Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Program Survey. This survey must be filled out for every semester in which you are seeking URHS credit (Categories 1 and 2).
Summary (Category 1 only: non-course-based experiences)
Attach an up-to-one-page summary in .docx or .pdf format of the non-course-based experience. Your summary should include your accomplishments during the semester, research/scholarship skills learned, and products/potential products of the semester’s work, such as publications, presentations, exhibitions, etc. Also include a brief statement of future planned work related to the project.
An endorsement from your faculty mentor is also required. The mentor endorsement form can be found here.
2, 4, 8, 10 : which of these is the largest?