First Model UN Conference *
First ODUMUNC Conference *
General Assembly Country Selection (required):
Place in order of preference the four countries you would like your school to represent at ODUMUNC. Select a country you have not represented in recent years. At least two of your choices must be non-Security Council members.
Security Council (optional):
Please indicate below whether or not you would like to participate in the Security Council. *
Economic and Social Council (optional):
To participate in the Economic and Social Council, indicate your preferred member countries. You may have up to two delegates per Economic and Social Council, country delegation.
Economic Community of West African States (optional):
To participate in the ECOWAS indicate your preferred member countries. You may have up to two delegates per ECOWAS country delegation.
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (optional):
To participate in ASEAN indicate your preferred member countries. You may have up to two delegates per ASEAN country delegation.
Crisis Simulations (optional):
Please indicate below whether or not you would like to participate in either the crisis. Limit one delegate per school in each of these committees. The Secretary-General's office will assign crisis characters for these bodies.
1. The Spanish Influenza, 1918-20 *
2. Army of the Potomac, 1861-65 *
3. The Grammy Awards, 2026 *