Use this form to sign up to attend the next Driver Improvement class. Upon receipt of your registration you will receive an email invitation with required training documentation and forms.
Please provide your legal name as shown on your driver's license
Please provide the best email to reach you, as it will be our main means of communication. If you are ODU affiliated, please provide your ODU email.
Please provide which department you work in at ODU, such as Facilities Management, Office of Finance, ITS, etc.
Provide your 8-digit University Identification Number (UIN).
What is your position title at ODU?
If you have a desired date/time in which you would like to attend, please enter it here.
The DMV Training provided for non- ODU employees costs $60 and is 1 full day (8 hours). Payment will be due on the day of the clinic (cash or check accepted). Safe driving points may be awarded for this training. The ODU Police Department will contact you with more information.