Employer Internship Application

Employer Internship Application

We’re glad that you are interested in recruiting an English major for an internship at your organization. Our students are trained specifically in writing, reading, and interpretation skills across a range of genres, media, and contexts. In fact, our department offers six concentrations for students to choose from:
• Technical Writing
• Creative Writing
• Journalism
• Applied Language Studies (Linguistics)
• Literature
• Teacher Preparation

Our course offerings reflect the diversity of tracks. Our students learn the foundations of literature, critical theory, and rhetoric, yes, but also learn about and engage in more technical, digital, and nontraditional modalities as well, such as gaming, online video production, and social media. You can view our full course catalog here to see what our department offers. Our main departmental site is accessible here.

Options for Recruiting Interns
As an employer recruiting for an internship, you have two options (you can do one or both):
1. You can go to ODU’s Career Development Services website to create an account (PurpleBriefcase application) and share your internship or employment opportunity with the ODU community broadly. That website is here.

2. You can complete the application below and submit to English Internship Director Lauren Coldiron (mcold001@odu.edu). If you select this option, you are communicating that you would prefer to recruit only from a pool of junior and senior-level English majors. Your position description will be shared on the English Department website, on our social media channels, and on the email listerv for all English majors.

For context, workplace supervisors are expected to do the following:
• Provide adequate information and training for the intern, including information about the organization’s mission, clientele, and operational procedures.
• Provide adequate supervision to the intern and provide feedback on performance.
• Provide meaningful tasks related to education, skills, interests, and available time.
• Provide appreciation and recognition of the intern’s contribution.
• Verify and sign the intern’s time sheet at the end of the semester, which is required for the student to receive academic credit.
• Provide an evaluation of the intern’s performance to the internship instructor, which is required for the student to receive academic credit.