Need: The noncredit activity is planned in response to an assessment of educational needs for a specific target population.
Objectives: There is a statement of objectives and rationale.
Content: Content is selected and organized in a sequential manner
Planning: There is evidence of planning which should include the opportunity for input by the target group to be served, the faculty area having content expertise, and continuing education personnel.
Instruction: The activity is instructional and is approved by an academic or administrative unit of the institution best qualified to affect the quality of the program content and to approve the resource personnel utilized.
Records: There is provision for registration for individual participants.
Evaluation: Evaluation procedures are utilized and criteria are established for awarding CEUs to individual students prior to the beginning of the activity. The continuing education activities which are approved to award continuing education units must meet at least one of the following evaluation standards:
a) an overall program evaluation (usually written) is completed by each participant It is designed to assess program content, instruction, administration and quality.
b) an individual evaluation in the form of a pre and/or post-test is administered to evaluate student performance.
c) when a skill/s is to be learned, participants are evaluated individually by demonstration, written or other response.