Please fill in below the specific details of your previous experience and how that experience is applicable toward your current enrollment. A maximum of 100 indirect hours may be reduced; this approval is subject to evaluation by the program coordinator. This is not a direct transfer of hours, yet a reduction up to a maximum of 100 indirect hours.
REASON FOR REQUEST: please select one: *
If you selected Associates Degree in related field that included and internship course, please attach the following:
If you selected previous paid work experience, please attach EACH of these:
By signing below, I am requesting that up to 100 indirect hours be reduced from the required 400 hours of HMSV 468 Internship, during the semester and year indicated above. I understand that submission of this form does not guarantee approval and the internship coordinator will contact me with the decision regarding my application.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.