Faculty Recommendation Form for Giandoni Awards
Faculty Recommendation Form for Giandoni Awards
Faculty Name
Faculty Name
Student Name
Student Name
For which Giandoni Award(s) are you providing a recommendation:
For which Giandoni Award(s) are you providing a recommendation:
Giandoni Scholarship in History
Giandoni Study Abroad Award
Giandoni Undergraduate Research Award
Giandoni Graduate Research Award
Giandoni Scholarship in History
Would you recommend the applicant for a Giandoni Scholarship in History? Select one of the following:
Would you recommend the applicant for a Giandoni Scholarship in History? Select one of the following:
Do not recommend (0 pts)
Recommend with some reservations (1 pt)
Recommend (2 pts)
Strongly recommend (3pts)
Explain briefly your rationale for the above choice:
Do you have additional information you would like to share with the selection committee?
Giandoni Study Abroad Award
Would you recommend the applicant for a Giandoni Study Abroad Award? Select one of the following:
Would you recommend the applicant for a Giandoni Study Abroad Award? Select one of the following:
Do not recommend (0 pts)
Recommend with some reservations (1 pt)
Recommend (2 pts)
Strongly recommend (3pts)
Explain briefly your rationale for the above choice:
Do you have additional information you would like to share with the selection committee?
Giandoni Undergraduate Research Award
Please rate the applicant's ability and preparation to complete proposed research:
Please rate the applicant's ability and preparation to complete proposed research:
Not prepared (0 pts)
Somewhat prepared (1 pt)
Prepared (2 pts)
Very well prepared (3pts)
Explain briefly your rationale for the above choice:
Do you have additional information you would like to share with the selection committee?
Giandoni Graduate Research Award
Please rate the applicant's ability and preparation to complete proposed research:
Please rate the applicant's ability and preparation to complete proposed research:
Not prepared (0 pts)
Somewhat prepared (1 pt)
Prepared (2 pts)
Very well prepared (3pts)
Explain briefly your rationale for the above choice:
Do you have additional information you would like to share with the selection committee?
Faculty Signature
Draw your signature into the box below.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.
Full Name
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.