Call For Research Mini-Grant Proposals

Call For Research Mini-Grant Proposals

The International Institute for the Advancement of Counseling Theory (IIACT) is seeking 1-year research grant proposals for projects that have the potential to advance the understanding and/or practice of counseling theory. This grant competition is open to counseling students, faculty, and practitioners. The principal investigator must have a master’s degree or better in counseling, psychology, or a closely related field to apply. The IIACT will award two proposals for $4,000 each.

The deadline for submission is November 1, 2022.

Note: Any publications that result from this mini-grant must include the following funding statement: “This research was supported by a grant from the International Institute for the Advancement of Counseling Theory (IIACT).”

Award Criteria:

  1. • A clear problem statement underlying the proposed investigation and purpose statement (300 words or less).
  2. • A strong conceptual framework or theoretical orientation (300 words).
  3. • Research foundation for the study, including a synthesis of representative citations from the extant literature (300 words).
  4. • Clear research questions (with hypotheses, if applicable) (300 words).
  5. • Proposed research method that is consistent with the research question(s). Method should include (a) research design, (b) participants and procedures, including sampling strategy, (c) data analytic strategy (instrumentation and statistical analyses for quantitative proposals or strategies for trustworthiness and reflexivity for qualitative proposals), and (d) mixed-methods designs should include both the qualitative and quantitative components above (350 words).
  6. • Ethical safeguards, including but not limited to confidentiality, autonomy, and security of data (150 words). Please abide by the IRB Board of your institution.
  7. • Anticipated findings and how results have potential to advance counseling research and practice (150 words).
  8. • Potential to advance counseling theory and practice (300 words).
  9. • Scholarly writing (e.g., attention to clarity, concision, adherence to APA-7 guidelines, and adequate proofreading).
  10. • A clearly delineated budget that includes how much money you need for your research (150 words).