Is your authorized driver form on file with BSSF? (Include all drivers on this trip) *
Is your 15-passenger van training certificate on file with BSSF? (Include all drivers) *
Will this be a multi-day field trip? *
Vehicle(s) Requested *
Reason for using the vehicle(s) *
I acknowledge that I will check in with the Biological Sciences Support Facility (B.S.S.F.), located in MGB 202M, upon departure from campus to pick up the keys and to return the keys upon arrival back to campus. *
I further acknowledge that I will notify B.S.S.F. personnel via email at bssf@odu.edu as soon as possible if I need to cancel this reservation. If the reason for the cancellation is not due to inclement weather, a courtesy email would be appreciated at least 24 hours prior to my scheduled departure. *
Any questions should be directed to bssf@odu.edu