Internship Provider Information
Please complete the internship provider information below.
Is this a paid internship?
Please include internship supervisor name, title, address, email, phone number, and website.
If you are applying for an internship for your Major: Internship prerequisites for COMM & Theatre Arts Majors: 12 credits in the ODU Department of Communication and Theatre Arts must be accumulated prior to the start of the internship.
Internship prerequisites for Minors: 6 credits in the ODU Department of Communication and Theatre Arts must be accumulated prior to the start of the internship. Include course number, name, and grade earned.
Student Agreement
I agree to (check and complete): *
Student’s electronic signature:
By electronically signing below, I agree to the terms of this internship and will complete my activities in an ethical and responsible manner representing my university and department with integrity.
By submitting this application, you are affirming the ODU Honor Code.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.